Theorem on Velvet Evelina Mount
Theorem with roses
One of two paintings on velvet by Evelina Mount. Evelina was the daughter of Henry Mount and the neice of William Sidney Mount and Alonzo Shepherd Mount. All three Mount brothers were artists. Henry, the oldest had a business in NYC painting carriages and other decorative elements. It was he who supported and encouraged his two younger brothers and his daughter as artists. Evelina sold very few of her paintings preferring to give them to family and friends. Her earliest flkower paintings follow the prevailing styles for this type of art although like this one of the flowers appear to be dropped on the surface rather than arranged. Her mature paintings are more naturalistic. This example was probably done when she was a child. It came from a house in Setauket, Long Island, the town where Evelina spent most of her life and where she is buried. The attribution to Evelina is from a graphite inscription on the back of later date.